Coming up this evening at 9, "Piers Morgan Live" welcomes back Damien Echols to the program. Echols, a central figure in the infamous "West Memphis Three case which polarized a community, was imprisoned and on death row for more than 18 years, before being released in August 2011.

During the interview, Echols shares his thoughts on the issue of the death penalty in light of the Boston bombing investigation. Because Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is charged under federal law under this jurisdiction, the Justice Department will decide whether to actually seek the death penalty for Tsarnaev.

"That's always going to be our first response," said Echols about issuing the death penalty. "We want that as human beings, we want that sense of closure, we want that sense of vengeance. But I think you have to rise above of what your emotions tell you and start thinking about it from a more logical point of view."

"You can't teach people that killing is wrong by killing someone. It's just - it's not logical."

Today is the 20th anniversary of when Christopher Byers, Stevie branch, and Michael Moore were brutally murdered in Robin Hood Hills in West Memphis Arkansas. No matter who is guilty  or not guilty for these murders, these boys still had their lives stolen. Please keep them in your hearts this May 5th.



    May 2013

